Adding to the
Collective Consciousness
What to do next? How do we shift the current narrative and agenda from the controlling Globalists back to the power of the people and this beautiful planet! The shift begins by all of us believing we can. It often requires inspiration, feeling we are more than what this limited matrix laid out for us
Please enjoy this incredible and inspiring song, Defying Gravity, (just 2 minutes) from the Broadway play Wicked! Hopefully, you’ll feel invincible, unafraid and ready to serve humanity!
Daily Meditation
Next, we invite you to find a few minutes each day to meditate. For all of you long time meditators, thank you and keep up your beautiful energetic contributions to this changing Universe.
If you’re new to meditation, we invite you to find a quiet place and click this link for some soothing music. Allow yourself to sit or lie down for 5-10 minutes and just breathe deeply, calmly, moving the breathe through out the body. After a handful of long deep inhales and relaxing exhales (mouth closed so you can hear your breath), recite quietly some of the experiences and people you are most grateful for. Allow yourself to feel the gratitude. ????????
Once relaxed, imagine in your mind, with eyes closed, the beautiful Sun shining down on you. Feel the Sun’s light entering the Crown of the head and traveling down the Central Channel (spinal column) to the base of the spine. This channel contains the seven Chakras (energy centers) that support us staying in balance and healthy. Breath this light into the central channel waking up the Chakras with sunlight. Then exhale this sunlight throughout the body including the blood, organs, muscles, bones and everywhere. Then breath the Sunlight into the central channel again and exhale the light beyond your body by 2-4 feet, above you, below you, on all sides. Feel yourself in cased in an AURA of Sunlight and protected by the DIVINE LIGHT!
Then say softly, “I choose, going forward, to say NO to…”
Examples: Kids being trafficked, medical tyranny of any kind, a cashless society, gender dysphoria in the schools etc. “I’m at peace with these issues disappearing!”
Take a few relaxing breaths and feel or see these issues falling way, dissolving…into nothingness!
Then say, “I’m saying YES to…”
Examples: Notice what ever comes to your mind naturally and immediately, like love, a healthy diet, smiling more, making more time for family, dog, getting on the city council etc.
Finally, return to three deep breaths of Gratitude and then release this relaxing meditation!
Thank you for adding to the collective consciousness!!