A Collective “No” Creates a Wave of Possibilities and Changes!
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desiring to get along and/or belong, when simultaneously we may have a nagging “NO” brewing inside us and we are too afraid to speak up, ask questions, or honor our Higher Self.
We have been taught to take the route of least resistance, allowing us to be easily manipulated or coerced by questionable media, confusing narratives and now Artificial Intelligence. When we ignore our intuition and we don’t do our research, for example not taking the time to understand what we are purchasing or what we are actually signing up for etc. These decisions can come back to bite us, sliding us into apathy, confusion and possibly illness.
It can take a tremendous amount of courage in today’s controversial world to trust ourselves and stand by our convictions.
“Is a growing MOVEMENT, oxymoronically trying to STOP the global tyrannical take over of Our Beautiful Planet!”
This site is designed to spell out the multitudes of present or possible issues We the People will face in the near future. An opportunity to begin enriching conversations with our fellow humans, learning what concerns them most at this time and how we can work together!
It is our job, and our job alone, to stay informed and recognize our GOD-GIVEN right to say NO to troubling issues that do not serve us.
We, Globally, have enter a very interesting time on Planet Earth. Some would imply that we have entered biblical times, end of days.
There seem to be signs everywhere of trouble brewing with many tyrannical governments over-lording, wars breaking out, disinformation and fake news streaming, children disappearing, religious freedoms being removed in certain countries etc. Due to our ability to be connected by the world-wide web we can be made aware of almost any issue facing anyone in the world within in seconds of its occurrence. Our ability today for collective consciousness, many ideologies and energies being interconnected and effecting each other, is extraordinary!
We are entering the true use of the term “the 100th Monkey Roll.” Where are thoughts move quickly within the ether (space), rippling out to the world-scape, only to be picked up by other conscious souls feeling and thinking along the same lines. It can become an unstoppable force!
The hundredth monkey effect is an esoteric idea claiming that a new behavior or idea is spread rapidly by unexplained means from one group to all related groups once a critical number of members of one group exhibit the new behavior or acknowledge the new idea.
When we reach a tipping point of 10% of people, holding strong to there convictions, something happens in the greater field of energy that begins to change the molecular structure, creating shifts, disruptions and openings for something new to come in and takes its place, like FREEDOM!
Imagine, in one 24 hour period, all 8 billion of us humans on planet earth, awakened and choosing not to identify as white, black, brown, yellow, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Zoroastrian, Atheist, male or female etc., but rather we know ourselves as exalted humans, where “All Lives Matter.” We know deep inside we are ALL made up of Light Codes, each cell is infused with physical genetic matter and Divine Cosmic Light (to include Sunlight) from our Prime Creator and its our “choice” whether we shine with our innate Light of Goodness or not!
Through our consciousness (being informed), our prayers, our convictions, our beautiful spirits, and our desires for a Free World, full of abundant possibilities we can learn to THRIVE AGAIN!
Begin a conversation, ask your fellow man or woman what they want to say NO to currently. Below you will find the most current issues facing us around the world. We have done our best to give you a simple Duck Duck Go definition of these issues. We found credible people in these fields to further explain the current issue at hand and how you can participate with your NO or get involved in supporting these issues directly. Please go to Urgent No’s survey and vote on what feels most urgent for you and contribute any ideas you have to change the current state of our world.
Please support this message of The People Say NO and its Knowledge Share by buying a T-shirt or a hat below, spreading the Good Word!
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